Guest Speaker Jim Chatters – Sunday March 26, 2017

Since 2011, our own Jim Chatters has been the scientific lead on a most fascinating paleontological project in Mexico.  The site, called Hoyo Negro, is an immense pit in an underwater cave on the Yucatan Peninsula.  40,000 to 10,000 years ago, when much of the world’s water was bound up in glaciers, tunnels leading to Hoyo Negro were dry and the site was a natural trap.  An ephemeral pool in the bottom of the 100-foot deep pit drew at least 14 species of thirsty large mammals, including a human, to their deaths.  Seven of the species are now extinct, including a new form of ground sloth and two carnivores never before documented north of Venezuela. The preservation of the bones is phenomenal and the crystal clear water makes for stunning photography.

Jim Chatters is an archaeologist and paleontologist who owns the consulting firm Applied Paleoscience.  He formerly managed contract paleontological and cultural resources research for the University of Washington, Central Washington University, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Foster Wheeler Environmental, and AMEC. Officially “retired” he is actively involved in research and publishing on the Pacific Northwest and Mexico, and consults to the commercial radiocarbon dating laboratory DirectAMS. In 1996, Chatters recovered, and was the first scientist to study, the PaleoIndian skeleton now known as Kennewick Man.  He is the author of numerous scientific articles and monographs and the public-oriented book Ancient Encounters: Kennewick Man and the First Americans (Simon & Schuster, 2001).

4 Thoughts on “Guest Speaker Jim Chatters – Sunday March 26, 2017

  1. Suzanne Kash on March 13, 2017 at 3:47 pm said:

    Hi Guys,

    Sounds fascinating! What time is the meeting? And where is the location?

    Thank You,
    Suzanne Kash

    • wolkenarch on March 27, 2017 at 10:52 pm said:

      Suzanne Kash: So sorry to have missed responding to you before the meeting. The website is new and I just received the password to see web questions. Growing pains. Extreme apologies. We are also adding our Membership Application to the web site and would be honored to have you sign up as a member. All of our club communication is by e-mail, so meeting locations and special member only event notices will come to your in-box.

      Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to meeting you.

      Regards, Tom Wolken, NPA President

  2. John Sandvig on March 19, 2017 at 3:56 am said:

    What time of day is this event? And what is the precise location? I cannot find it on the NPA web pages.

    Incidentally, if there is a standing regular meeting time, e.g., third Sunday of the month, and place, e.g., Burke Museum, Burke Room, perhaps it would be good to post notice to that effect to let prospective member know how to attend a meeting.

    Many thanks.

    • wolkenarch on March 27, 2017 at 10:47 pm said:

      John: Just getting the web question function to forward to my e-mail address today. We will be posting on the web site the date, time and location information with future meeting notices.

      The meeting dates and locations sometimes change due to room availability or speaker availability. Members are notified by e-mail, so by signing up you will get the latest and greatest information. The Membership Form should now be available for downloading from the web site.

      Thanks, TW

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