
Membership in the NPA is open to individuals and families who are interested in the science of Paleontology.

By becoming a member, you are able to: attend six meetings per year with guest lecturers, attend workshops, and receive our newsletter, The Aturian.  If you select the field trip option, you are able to attend any of our field trips during the year. Memberships are effective for the calendar year.

We intend for our programs, field trips and workshops to be interesting for all ages and want young people to enjoy and learn from these activities.

Northwest Paleontological Association announces we now have multiple ways to pay your online dues. We have an official Charitable Organization account on Paypal.
  Members can pay annual dues in three ways: 
    1) Cash at meeting.
    2) Check at meeting.
    3) Credit card, Debit card or paypal account via Paypal . Paypal advertises other payment methods when you check out, but for now… let’s stick with Credit or Debit via Paypal.
The club will pick up the processing fee for donations/member renewals made via Paypal. If you are interested in making a larger donation to the club, please do it via check, or contact Gretchen and she can send you a custom Paypal link. Once we get the Website rolling, we will transfer this capability to our website. For now, there are 3 links below – or look us up on
Individual Membership $30
Family Membership $50
Student Membership $10