September 2017 Meeting Moved to October 15, 2017!

The program will remain the same, just the date changes.

Tom Wolken and Gregg Wilson will be on site this Sunday just in case some new prospects found us and show up expecting the NPA to be there. We will take them out for a beer (or a root beer). If you want to hang out with us…

Sorry for the late notice and I hope you all can make it on October 15th.


NPA Meeting
October 15, 2017

Burke Room at the Burke Museum

Methane Seeps
Bill Halligan will share his experience of exploring fossilized methane seeps. These large mounds, in the area long ago covered by an inland sea, once offered a rich environment for life. Like the mounds at Tepee Buttes south of Colorado Springs, these land forms were not understood until the recent discovery of active seep sites on the ocean floor.

Bill is an NPA member and has studied these sites in the field. He has coordinated with other researchers who are investigating the fossils associated with ancient seeps, including joint field work this summer. The fossils he has expertly prepared are both fascinating and beautiful.

Bring a fossil to share at Show and Tell. Guests are always welcome to attend. See you there!

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